What is a sunrise alarm clock (and do they actually work)?

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, CDCES, MBA

Thinking about using a sunrise alarm clock but wondering if they have any real benefits? Explore their impact on sleep and whether they could transform your mornings for the better.

Does anyone actually like being woken up by the sound of a blaring alarm clock? Being jerked out of a deep sleep can make you feel groggy, frustrated, and even more tired than when you went to bed. For many of us, mornings are a real struggle—especially during the darker winter months—but what if there was a way to make waking up feel a little more natural and less harsh?

Sunrise alarm clocks use light, instead of loud sounds, to help you wake up more gently — it’s almost like waking up to the sun rising outside your window. 

And while waking up “naturally” with help from an alarm clock sounds great in theory, you may be wondering if  it can really make a difference. Here’s what you need to know.


What is a sunrise alarm clock?

Unlike traditional alarms that wake you up with sudden beeping or music, a sunrise alarm clock tries to simulate the natural sunrise by slowly increasing the light in your room. The idea is to help your body regulate its natural sleep-wake cycle so you wake up gradually and feel more refreshed and ready to start the day. 

These clocks sometimes come with additional features like sounds of nature, colored lights, or white noise to help you ease out of sleep more peacefully. Some even have settings to help you fall asleep at night, like dimming lights or soothing sleep sounds. 

How a sunrise alarm clock works

The main feature of a sunrise alarm clock is that it creates a soft, warm glow and gradually gets brighter over the course of 20–40 minutes until it reaches its brightest point at your waking time. It’s designed to be like a natural sunrise and gently signal to your brain that it’s time to wake up. 

If you set your alarm for 7:00 a.m., the light will start to come on around 6:30 a.m. and gradually increase in brightness to signal to your body that it's morning.

How light affects your body

Light plays a major role in regulating your body’s sleep-wake cycle — your “circadian rhythm.” When it’s dark, your body produces melatonin, the hormone that makes you feel sleepy. In the morning, exposure to light naturally reduces melatonin production and increases the release of cortisol — a hormone that helps you feel awake and alert. 

A sunrise alarm clock aims to mimic this natural process, allowing your body to wake up more smoothly. This might make mornings feel less jarring and help reduce that groggy feeling often caused by sudden loud alarms.

Additional sound options

Some sunrise alarm clocks also include sound options to further enhance your wake-up experience. If light alone isn’t enough to get you out of bed, you can set the clock to play gentle sounds like birds chirping, ocean waves, or soft music once the light reaches its brightest setting. 

This combination of light and sound may be especially helpful for heavy sleepers who may need more than just light to fully wake up.

The importance of a dark room

Sunrise alarm clocks work best in a completely dark room, where the gradual brightening of the clock’s light will have the most noticeable effect. 

But if your room is already bright in the morning from sunlight, streetlights, or if you sleep with a light on, you might not notice the gradual light as much. That’s why a sunrise alarm can really come in handy during the winter months or for early risers who wake up before the sun. 


Potential benefits and downsides of using a sunrise alarm clock

A sunrise alarm clock is designed to improve how you wake up and—by extension—how you feel throughout the day. But like any tool, it has its pros and cons. Here are some examples of what it may offer you.

Benefits of using a sunrise alarm clock

  • Gentler wake-up: Unlike loud alarms that jolt you awake, a sunrise alarm clock wakes you more naturally. Many people find this easier on their bodies and minds, especially on dark winter mornings.

  • May improve sleep quality: Using a sunrise alarm clock might help you regulate your sleep cycle more effectively, leading to more consistent sleep patterns. Some clocks also have features to help you wind down at night, promoting a better night’s rest.

  • Better energy levels: If the sunrise alarm clock improves your sleep quality overall, you may feel more refreshed and energized throughout the day. 

  • Easier to get out of bed: Waking gently may make getting up easier, even if you’re not a morning person!

Downsides of using a sunrise alarm clock

  • Cost: Sunrise alarm clocks tend to be more expensive than traditional alarm clocks. Depending on the features you want, you could spend anywhere from $30 to $200.

  • Effectiveness varies: Not everyone responds to light in the same way. If you’re a heavy sleeper, it may take more than a sunrise simulation to get you out of bed. 

  • Requires a dark room: Sunrise alarm clocks are most effective in a dark room where there’s no other light to interfere.


How to use a sunrise alarm clock: 5 tips to build a mindful wind-down and wake up routine 

Using a sunrise alarm clock can be a great way to ease into your mornings, but to really get the full benefits, it helps to create a thoughtful routine around it. 

1. Set a consistent sleep schedule

One of the best things you can do for your sleep health is to stick to a regular sleep schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day — even on weekends. This helps regulate your body’s circadian rhythm, making it easier to fall asleep at night and wake up feeling refreshed in the morning.

Your sunrise alarm clock may help reinforce this routine by waking you up at the same time each day with a gentle light. Over time, you’ll likely adjust and find it easier to get up without feeling groggy.

💙 Improve your sleep schedule (and quality) with these Easy Tips for Better Sleep from sleep expert Dr. Matthew Walker. 

2. Keep your room as dark as possible at night

If there’s too much light in your room at night (like from street lights, electronics, or a nightlight), it can interfere with your sleep and make it less likely for the sunrise effect to work properly in the morning.

Use blackout curtains to block out any external light so the gradual light from your sunrise alarm clock will have a stronger effect when it starts to brighten in the morning.

3. Create a calming wind-down routine

A peaceful bedtime routine can set the stage for better sleep and make waking up easier. Start winding down at least 30 minutes before you plan to go to bed. Turn off bright screens (like your phone, TV, or computer), dim the lights, and do something relaxing like reading a book, journaling, or meditating. Here are eight more ideas for your wind-down routine

Many sunrise alarm clocks also have a "sunset" feature, where the light gradually dims over time, helping tell your brain it’s time to go to sleep. Use this feature to help create a calming atmosphere and make it easier to fall asleep naturally. If your clock doesn’t have this feature, dim the lights or use lamps with soft, warm light to help your body start winding down.

💙 Listening to a Sleep Story before bed, like Matthew McConaughey’s Wonder, can also send signals to your brain that it’s time to wind down.

4. Pair light with sound for a smoother wake-up

If you struggle to get out of bed or tend to hit snooze multiple times, try pairing the light with sound. Many sunrise alarm clocks offer gentle sound options like birds chirping, ocean waves, or soft music. These sounds add an extra layer to your wake-up experience.

Set the sounds to start playing once the light reaches its brightest point, giving you a more gentle nudge to wake up. Try different sounds and volumes to find the right combination for you to wake up feeling refreshed.

💙 If your alarm clock doesn’t play sounds, try starting your morning by listening to one of our soundscapes, like Jay’s Mindful Morning

5. Use the sunrise alarm clock consistently during darker months

Sunrise alarm clocks can be especially helpful during the winter months when there’s less natural sunlight in the mornings and your body isn’t getting the signal that it’s time to wake up. 

When it’s pitch black outside, use a sunrise alarm clock to help regulate energy levels, which may make it easier to get out of bed without feeling sluggish. 

💙 Bring a boost of energy to your morning with The Daily Move’s Jumpstart Your Day session.  


Do sunrise alarm clocks work FAQs

Can a sunrise alarm clock help with insomnia?

A sunrise alarm clock may not be a cure for insomnia, but it can definitely help some people manage their symptoms. One of the reasons people struggle with falling asleep or staying asleep, is because their internal body clock, or circadian rhythm, is out of sync. A sunrise alarm clock may help regulate your circadian rhythm by waking you up more naturally, which can, over time, make it easier to establish a healthy sleep pattern.

In turn, you’ll likely feel sleepier at night, since your body becomes more aligned with a consistent sleep-wake cycle.

But, if your insomnia is due to anxiety, stress, or other underlying conditions, the clock might only be part of the solution. Combine it with other sleep hygiene practices, like sticking to a regular bedtime, creating a relaxing pre-bed routine, and limiting screen time before bed. Explore these 10 self-care practices for managing insomnia

Do sunrise clocks work for heavy sleepers?

If the gradual light alone isn’t enough to wake you, look for a sunrise alarm clock with sound features like birds chirping, waves, or even a traditional alarm sound, for an additional wake-up nudge.

Experiment with the light intensity and the sound options to find the right settings to help you wake up more smoothly.

Do sunrise alarm clocks help you wake up if your bedroom is completely dark?

Sunrise alarm clocks are designed to work best in dark rooms because they simulate the natural sunrise that cues your body’s wake-up process. If your room’s dark—like during winter months or if you use blackout curtains—the gradual light from the clock can be the primary signal to your brain that it’s time to wake up.

But if your room’s already filled with sunlight, or light from street lighting outside, the clock’s light effect might not be as noticeable. 

Are sunrise alarm clocks suitable for night shift workers?

Sunrise alarm clocks can be great for night shift workers who need to wake up at odd hours — especially if they’re trying to simulate daytime during their non-traditional wake-up times. 

Night shift workers often struggle with sleep because their body clocks aren’t aligned with natural daylight patterns. This can lead to feeling groggy when waking up or struggling to get good-quality sleep during the day. A sunrise alarm clock may help shift workers wake up more naturally by mimicking the effects of a sunrise, even if it’s happening in the middle of the afternoon or the dead of night.

Create a dark, restful environment for sleeping, so when it’s time to wake up, the gradual light of the sunrise alarm clock can simulate morning, whatever the time. This may help your body adjust to irregular hours and help you wake up after sleeping during the day, so night shift schedules feel a little more manageable. Here are eight more tips to help get your sleep schedule on track

Is it better to wake up to light or sound?

Light stimulates your body to wake up gradually by influencing your circadian rhythm: it tells your brain to start the process of waking up before you’re even fully conscious, which might help you feel more alert and less groggy once you’re out of bed. 

For many people, this can lead to a smoother, less stressful start to the day, compared to being abruptly pulled out of sleep by a beeping or ringing sound.

But, for some people—especially heavy sleepers or those used to loud alarms—waking up to light alone might not be enough. That’s why many sunrise alarm clocks offer gentle nature sounds or soft music that starts playing once the light reaches full brightness. This combination can help you wake up fully without the shock of a sudden loud noise.

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