Download your free Just One Step calendar & journal

Track your progress and reflect on the journey with your free Just One Step calendar and journal. More info about the 30-day program here.

The Journal

Reflect on the journey with your Just One Step free, downloadable journal. With prompts and space to note down your thoughts, it’s your Just One Step side-kick.


The Calendar

Track your progress with our free, downloadable calendar. Make it your desktop background or print it and tick off the days as you go.

There are a few different varieties for you to pick from including two designs, landscape and/or portrait options, printer-friendly versions, and options with or without the details of each step.

Calendar with step details

Choose this option if you want to see all the details of each step ahead of time. You’ll still want to check in on the daily email for detailed information for each step but this will give you a quick overview of what you’ll be invited to do each day.

Calendar without step details

If you prefer to reveal what’s involved for each step on a day-by-day basis, this is the option for you! Again, we still encourage you to read through the accompanying emails for more info.


💙 Find out more about the Just One Step 30-day mental health reset here.


Can I join the program after the official launch on January 1, 2025?

For sure! You don’t have to start on January 1 if that doesn’t work for you. You can join in the middle of the month or even the middle of the year! Just One Step is an evergreen program that’ll be there even after New Year. It’s ready for you whenever you’re ready to jump in!

Should I sign-up for my free trial now?

If you’re starting on January 1, hold that thought. To get the most out of your free trial and to ensure you have access to Calm during the program, you’ll want to wait to sign up for your free trial until either New Year’s Eve (12/31/2024) or New Year’s Day (1/1/2025). If you’re taking part in the program after January 1, feel free to start your free trial as soon as you’re ready!

How many emails will you send?

As part of the New Year Reset, you’ll receive one email every day in January to reveal the daily step. If you’re already subscribed to Calm’s newsletters, you’ll continue to receive those. Too many emails? That’s okay. You can unsubscribe any time. The last thing we want is to add additional stress to your inbox.

What if I haven’t received my confirmation email?

If you haven’t received an email, please check your junk mail, and/or email to confirm whether you’ve been added to the program.

Can I still take part if I don’t have Calm?

Yes! We’ve designed the program so that anyone can take part, regardless of whether you have access to Calm or not.

Is it all free?

The journal, calendar, and daily emails which contain a ton of valuable content are all free. If you’re eligible, you’ll also have access to a free trial so you can access the complementary in-app content sessions but you don’t need to be subscribed to Calm to take part in the program.


Start the new year on the right foot with ‘Just One Step’ — a 30-day New Year Reset for your wellbeing


Candle meditation: a step-by-step guide to practice at home